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科大讲坛——澳大利亚昆士兰大学Halim Gurgenci教授讲座

Professor Gurgenci's current research interests include energy systems analysis; geothermal and concentrating solar thermal power plant technologies; development of intelligent tutoring and compterised assessment systems for teaching machine design.

作者:厘米教育 来源:河南科技大学| 2017-04-10 23:19:16

主讲人:Halim Gurgenci教授


时间:2017年4月13日 星期四 10:00-12:00



 Professor Gurgenci's current research interests include energy systems analysis; geothermal and concentrating solar thermal power plant technologies; development of intelligent tutoring and compterised assessment systems for teaching machine design.

 Hal Gurgenci, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, has many years of industry and academic experience in solar energy, manufacturing and mining. Professor Gurgenci is the Founding Director of the Queensland Geothermal Energy Centre of Excellence (QGECE).






       本次演讲将介绍澳大利亚太阳能热力研究所(ASTRI)、其研究计划以及昆士兰大学(UQ)作为ASTRI一员所完成的工作。Halim Gurgenci教授是ASTRI项目UQ分部的领导人,并且是ASTRI计划管理委员会的成员。ASTRI是一个合作项目,包括昆士兰大学,CSIRO和其他五所澳大利亚大学。为期8年、斥资0.87亿美元的澳大利亚太阳能热研究计划(ASTRI)的目标是使集中太阳能发电技术(CST)在澳大利亚电力行业具备足够竞争力。


   光伏发电(PV)和CST曾被认为互为竞争对手。现在看来二者是互补的。 PV用于瞬时发电便宜,但能量存储成本较高。CST在储存能量方面更容易。近年来光伏发电迅速部署,并相应的推动了CST的未来场景。国际能源署(IEA)预测混合PV + CST式发电厂将进一步推广。当太阳升起时,发电厂中的PV面板将生产电能而CST部分则开始储存热量。当太阳落下时,CST部分将开始产能。换句话说,当PV无法发电时,CST组件将处于完全可调度模式并准备产生电能。


l       超临界CO2涡轮机研发。

l       超临界CO2循环的制冷系统。





TITLE: Australian Solar Thermal Research Institute



This presentation is on the Australian Solar ThermalResearch Institute(ASTRI), its research program, and the work carried out bythe University of Queensland(UQ) as part of ASTRI.  Professor Hal Gurgenciis the leader of the UQ involvement in ASTRI and is a member of the ASTRIProgram Management Committee.


ASTRI is a collaborative venture including The Universityof Queensland, CSIRO and five other Australian universities..  The aim ofthe eight-year, $87 million Australian Solar Thermal Research Initiative(ASTRI) is to make Concentrating Solar Thermal (CST) Power competitive inAustralia.


The concept of CST is simple. The sunlight is focussed onsmall receivers to produce high temperatures and is stored as molten saltor  liquid metals.  The electricity is produced on demand from thestorage by using a turbine.  This is much cheaper  and more reliablethan electro-chemical storage in batteries.


Photovoltaics (PV) and CST used to be considered ascompetitors. They are seen complementary now. The PV is cheaper forinstantaneous power generation but expensive to store. Storage is easier forCST. The rapid deployment of PV over recent years has therefore paradoxicallyimproved future CST prospects. The International Energy Agency (IEA) ispredicting a proliferation of hybrid PV+CST plants1. When the sun is up, the PVpanels would be producing electricity while the CST part of the plant isstoring heat. The CST power would start when the sun goes away. In other words,the CST component would be in fully dispatchable mode ready to start generationwhenever the PV is unable to do so.


In ASTRI, the major focus of the University ofQueensland  is on two areas:

·        Supercritical CO2turbine development  

·        Cooling systemsfor supercritical CO2 cycles


This presentation will provide the motivation forthis research and will report on progress.

